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Finaly Got Me Watercooling In

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Looks messy. straighten that cathode. hide some wires. dont leave so much tube in there.


Also thats the most retarded place to put the 24pin atx cord. but then again abit is made by the same factory as ECS.


I would sleeve it and leave it like that. if ur to lazy to sleeve, just loom it



nevermind i just realized ur video card is cooled 2. Umm. just work on wires.

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is that the new btx standard? is it btx. its the one thats supposed to replace the atx formfactor. and eys, straighten that cathode :). nice work though. I need to redo my watersystem. my hoses are all too short and need to add my video cooler on...again. Took it off when i got my 6800 gt and took out my 9800 pro. oh well, always fun to rip apart a system and put it back together. i am so nerdy :D .

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is that the new btx standard?  is it btx. its the one thats supposed to replace the atx formfactor. :D .

do you mean the block? if you do its a WaterChill CPU Cooler DYO, is it worth getting a chipset coler or just keep the stock fan

straightened the cathode to

Edited by geeman74

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