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Bush Takes 11 Point Lead!


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and that's different from what you normally post....how??





j/p ;)

ohhhhh.... ohhhhhhhhh..... uhhhhhhhhh.....





















Hooray for the candidates!

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Oh JackRussell,


Don't believe the talking points on Kerry's website, besides they change every few weeks or so after being focus tested again.


The anti Bush people are getting rather pathetic, you present them facts and they cry your being "mean". You disagree with them and your a Nazi.


Besides you missed an opportunity to cry out HALLIBURTON!!!!111111 one one two! :lol:

Edited by Duke Atreides

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What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. :blink::wacko:

TOTALLY. I couldn't agree more with the intensity of your response. The more adverse the post the more instense, hard hitting and degrading should be the response. You should work for the Shrub campaign.


You even went to the extent of wishing that God have mercy on my soul. Nothing like bringing God into it.


Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having listened to it

And I'm just dumb. Thanks for attempting to turn peoples' eyes away from my dumbness.


Sorry. Input: Trash... Output: Trash.

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yong people are the youth of this nation, they are our tomarrow, our future.. i am the future.. as is all young people.. infact, i find yong people can eather take a more serious stance then adults or a more laied back stance than adults..


young people are far from stupid.. beleave me..

God help us all then.!

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