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Dfi Infinty Issues

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I know a lot of you have these boards, and I have done some reading but cannot find anything relating to the problem I have.


I have just put this board in, reinstalled windows etc. Done all the mobo updates etcetc.


When I restart the machine sometimes it just dumps the BIOS settings and reverts to a 100mhz FSB (cpu is a 2200+ which s 133 std fsb)


I have no idea why it dumps all my BIOS settings for no reason.

ANyone else experienced this?

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it's a combination of 2 things.


1 cmos bat is low


2 power supply is just a touch too low on the 12v end



I've found when those two things come toegether this happens

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well i put a battery from another mobo in (the battery from teh mobo I just replaced with teh DFI)


It hasnt helped.


Could it happen if you reboot a certain amount of times in a certain timeframe?


Every setting i change i let it boot to windows, then reboot to change another setting. after a couple of reboots to get back to teh bios it has dumped the whole lot?


Maybe it is cooked...RMA time?

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exert all your options before RMAing, which might be your only choice if you can't figure out your problem.


get a new battery, not one from an old system, download MBM5 or Speedfan or whatever you like, to check voltages on your rails. make sure they are reported as close to their ideal voltage outputs. and finally, update to the newest BIOS in case there is a problem with it for some reason...


if all those are done and you still got problems RMA it.. but don't let a bad PSU give you the same problems with another board.

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