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Xp 2500 Mobile W/ Abit Nf7-s 2.0

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i run the exact same parts lineup as far as chip/mobo/memory.


-make sure your video AGP/PCI is locked at 66.

-make sure your memory is set under "expert settings" with manufacturer spec timings. you dont need to change these unless you start seriously overclocking that 3200 memory.

-make sure you are using the right memory divider. youre using 3200 memory but forcing it to run at seriously crap speeds with a FSB of 173. it was built to run at 200. set your memory divider at 1:1 (or 6/6).

-your voltage needs to be MUCH lower to start with. 1.9 is seriously overvolting for even 2400 speeds.

-here is my system the way i first set it up and its run golden since :


-200 FSB

-2.6v dimm (memory)

this will allow your memory to run at its rated speed as it was supposed to, will allow it to run at its specified timings as its supposed to, and run at its correct voltage as its supposed to. this will take any memory problems out of a crashing equation.


-1.5v core


-10 multiplyer

this will allow the chip to run at a higher FSB speeds, and at 1.5v wich is only .05v higher than standard core voltage. this chip will be able to handle everything at that voltage up to 2000mhz. no problem. the 10x multi lets it run at 2.0 and then run prime. if it fails the only thing you need to do is up the voltage a half point and that should bring you stability as the memory itself....is not the problem. its running as its supposed to according to absolute spec.


-if you were running automatic memory ratio control <dividers>then your memory was not able to run very well and most likely caused crashes as its timings and settings got way out of whack.

-start here. and then modify slowly. up the FSB over 200 in small increments. im finding a .1v dimm increase necessary for every 5mhz i increase the FSB over 200. the chip has needed from me an increase from 1.45 at 2000mhz to 1.65 at 2400+mhz


curently im at 215x11.5, 2.8v-dimm and 1.65v core. just over 2.4ghz. volcano 12 fan is about 75%(4700rpm) and im loading at just over 47c

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Thanks, I'll try that out tonight and post some updates.


I'm wondering if maybe there's problems with the MB?


And I usually had the memory sitting in AUTO or BY SPD mode.. I'll set it to 1:1(6/6).

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i recently had mine set that way and tried to boot up at stock speeds (166fsb x something) and it wouldnt even post. it was trying to run the memory at its rated 400mhz and couldnt. thats why.

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Ok.. So here's the update..


I think my CPU needs more core voltage..


my current setting is..


(209 x 11.5) = 2413 MHZ @ 1.8 Core Voltage


2.6 VDimm, 6/6 ratio.


I ran HOT CPU TESTER 4, benchmarks. no crash..

Let prime95 ran for like 10 secs and SUM(IN-OUT) errors.


Idle is about 42 C, Load is like 53-55C.


*EDIT -- Another update..


Lowered the FSB to (200 x 12) = 2405 MHZ @ 1.8 Vcore


Prime95 ran 6 mins and go round off error.


Temp went up to 58 C..


Gonna try going .5V higher.


any other ideas?




(200 X 12) = 2405 @ 1.85 Vcore


Load temp maxed at 62 C


Prime95 ran stable for 1 hour and then I stopped it.

Edited by Cablerat

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