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Adjusting Ram Timings

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Ok, I wanna tighten my ram timings, at stock they are 2.5,4,4,8 (Kingmax ram... not too good), but I am running my PC3500 ram @ PC3200, so should I be right running them @ 2,2,2,5? (Heard thats best for P4) Will I need to increase the voltage? Also how do I check for memory stability?





EDIT: Help! I set the ram to 2,2,2,7 and then rebooted... now its not even getting into bios so I can put the timings back to normal... what do I do... clear the cmos? I think thats what I gotta do but I dunno how to do it.. do I put the jumper to the reset position then turn the computer on... or leave it off or what??




EDIT 2: Ok back to completely stock settings now after resetting the CMOS... guess my ram cant handle those sort of timings :(

Edited by Vampire

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you could always turn to maths... 3200/3500 is only about 91%... so you won't really be able to change your timings MUCH... you might be able to change them down by one if you get lucky with a bit of extra voltage... the timings that aren't CAS latency don't make much difference at all


if you want 2-2-2-5 you'll have to buy some of the more expensive low-latency ram (or look into some cheap ram with decent memory chips)


if your sig is up-to-date you might be better off giving your cpu a bit more juice than 1.55V (isn't that really low?) and nudging up the fsb...

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Yeh well my chip doesnt like the FSB going too much higher... but it is rock stable as in my sig... It does 3.5ghz on stock vcore but after a while in prime95 crashes and also crashes on intense games such as farcry, UT2k4.. its perfect though as is. I know my ram is bad (kingmax), I didnt see a point to getting extremely expensive corsair stuff, but now I know I probly should have.


Ok, I tried 2.5,3,3,7 @ 200mhz and its going ok... cant see a performance increase though. RAM these days is just so expensive! I could buy an X800 pro for the cost of premium ram (1Gb) :(

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if your sig is up-to-date you might be better off giving your cpu a bit more juice than 1.55V (isn't that really low?)

Yea it's one notch above default. I've wondered about that vcore myself. Not that it's impossible to have 1.55v @3.5, but how many hours stable is that? Prime95 can turn up a rounding error even after several hours (or even days supposedly). I checked my 3.43 overclock with 29 hours (maybe overkill but nice to know).

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it is rock stable as in my sig... It does 3.5ghz on stock vcore but after a while in prime95 crashes and also crashes on intense games such as farcry, UT2k4.. its perfect though as is.

if prime95 crashes it isn't stable!!!!


man, i ran prime 95 and it crashed after 13 hours... on the same settings i ran UT'04 and it crashed in about 15 minutes.


that's not what i call perfect!


one notch above default??? at THAT o/c???? are you mad???!


for the love of god, up that vcore!


timings, schmimings... up the vcore til its stable at least, then try a further o/c...

do-able and much more potential than fooling about with your timings...


up yer vcore and use MBM5 to monitor yer temps and run prime95 for at least 12hours and more like 24+ hours when you think it's all stable...


i really think UT'04 (and other new games like FarCry) are like accelerated torture tests... prime95 keeps testing the same thing over and over for ages and then switches to something else after a while... games just switch about more often i think...


how can you live knowing that your game might suddenly crash at any time???




craziness! :P

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