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Work Units Completed


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Was wondering if anybody knew why I only have credit for one W/U returned when I in fact have folded over nine different W/U's. Do you think I've not returned them soon enough or maybe the F@H site just didn't receive the results? I see a lot of unable to connect (results) errors. I don't know how to get in touch with someone from F@H because I can't find a contact on their web site. Any help here?


I should have mentioned that I am using the Screen Saver Client if this helps find a solution to my problem.

Edited by Wmorriso

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I would use the tag for -send XX (XX meaning the # of the WU you are trying to send) and see if that sends out your completed WU's.

You enter the tag in the target path of the shortcut you are using.

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you can also use -send all if you want to clear out the queue (if there is anything in it). You can also use a third-party tool like EMIII to see what's in your queues.

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