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Sata Problems


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Well I finally got my replacement drive from Newegg.com, a 80G Seagate Drive. The specs for it are as follows:





8MB cache


Now I tried installing it, then I came up with problems. I am currently running my rig off a PATA33 2.1GB Seagate from the early 90's <_< I talked with DFI about my board and followed their instructions.


When I try to install windows (I want this to be my primary drive) I do the F6 interrupt which allows me to install the SATA drivers from a floppy. This being done, everything works fine up to the point that I try to format and install Windows on the drive, then it disappears. It is as though the drive was unplugged but nothing else had changed.


My board supports SATA and SATA RAID, I was specifically told to run SATA by itself, not RAID since I don't have the drives for a RAID setup. So I don't think this is the issue. I am trying to use the drivers that came on the DFI disk so that shouldn't be a problem either. I am thinking that my board may be shorting in which case I would have to take it out and try it there, but the only thing that makes me doubt that is that the drive seems to fail at the same point every time. Do you guys think that I got a bad drive and should attempt an RMA? Or do you think that my board is to fault?


Please, I need to get my system up and running for good. BIOS issues are in the past and as soon as I get this drive in I will have the fastest machine around (here). :) Thanks in advance for the help!

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ccokeman has just gone through SATA setup,and he has the same mobo you've got.He eventually got all the kinks worked out.He's running RAID 0,but they're Seagate 'Cudas like yours also.Maybe PM him or he'll see this thread later.Don't know if this helps any,but could there have been any BIOS settings you overlooked that "enable" SATA?I'm new to SATA too..... :)

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There is a bios setting....to choose SATA or SATA-raid... I can't remember which screen it is on though...if that is set to SATA and you install the RAID drivers... it will die...


if it is set to SATA-RAID and you install the non-RAID drivers it will die as well....


worth checking

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I have it set up so in the BIOS it's set as SATA and I installed the SATA drivers, not the RAID drivers... I just want this one hard drive to work on it's own :( So basically SATA is enabled in the BIOS and the drivers installed are the SATA ones, not the RAID ones, so I'm in a rut. Thanks for the help so far guys :) Makes me glad to be a part of this forum.


Wow, it was just a bad SATA cable... go figure, let this be a lession! :)

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