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Finally Got The Courage To Oc

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HI all,

I just OC'ed my cpu from 2.8 to 3.5.

FSB is running at 250 at the mo. I didnt have to touch the vcore until i reached 245 fsb, then i had to bump it up to 5.750 or whatever. I tried the fsb at 255 and got memory dumps and all kindsa errors. I tried bumping up the vcore to 1.6 but still no joy, im a little worried of bumping up the vcore too much. BTW what would too much be? My temps havent changed much, in fact i reversed my cpu fan and now my case temps are 4c lower :)

Before i wanna try and hit 270 - 280 fsb i wanna get better cooling. But i just want an opinion on the vcore settings. Im a little intimidated by them to say the least :ph34r:

Edited by HomerJaySimpson

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I think you mean 1.575 volts :P Thats a pretty good OC, I didnt have to change my vcore at all till anything over 250mhz FSB (prime 95 error in less than 2 mins). Try hit 300mhz FSB with a 5:4 divider, good times... :D

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