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Randomizing Script.


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ok i got this little script that randomizes what page to display, Im using it to display video clips. What i need is a way where it only displays the page one time threw the whole rotation. How would i do that?


<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
// Set up the variables we need for the random URL selection.

var uc = 5;   	 // Number of URLs
var u = new Array(uc); 	 // Array to hold URLs

// These are all local URLs; they could just as well be URLs
// pointing to other machines, or a mixture of both. You
// could even put mailto: or telnet: URLs in here.

u[0] = "http://www.theembassyvfx.com/qt/tetra.mov";
u[1] = "http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/i_robot/featurette/ap_lg.html";
u[2] = 


u[3] = "http://aimovie.warnerbros.com/dld/trailer3_hi.mov";
u[4] = "http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/t3/domestictrailer/large.html";

// pickRandom - Return a random number in a given range. This
// function is 'browser-proofed' to run correctly on older
// browsers that don't implement 'Math.random'.

function pickRandom(range) {
 if (Math.random)
	 return Math.round(Math.random() * (range-1));
 else {
	 var	now = new Date();
	 return (now.getTime() / 1000) % range;

// Function: pickRandomURL
// A very simple function that selects one of the URLs in the
// 'u' array at random, and returns it as a string.

function pickRandomURL() {
 var choice = pickRandom(uc);
 return u[choice];

// -->

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