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Pc 3200 Underclock Question

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Hi all! New here, looks like a good place to ask a few questions, so here goes!


I have a mainboard that supports 200Mhz fsb and bought some Crucial 3200 sticks. My Barton 2500+ is currently running @ 182 fsb, but I am having trouble pushing this past that. I haven't even touched the voltage yet. My question is, should I have any problems leaving my memory at stock voltage until I pass 200 fsb? The memory has been tested by Crucial to work with my mainboard. I have had some advice that I need to push up the mem voltage past 2.6 v (stock) but to me this doesn't make any sense. If the memory is currently under clock speed, why oh why would someone suggest a bump in voltage?? I am using the 'agressive' timings in the BIOS, and have not messed with them yet. Is there something that I am missing here?


Antec True 430

ASUS A7N8X rev 2.0 C1007

Barton 2500+ @ 182x11

Crucial 3200 512x2 banks 1 and 3

Thermalright ALX800 + YS-tech var

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The ram is probably not holding you back. Try raising the vcore on your cpu. You can always raise the vdimm up to 2.8 safely. Raising just the vcore should get you past 200fsb (depending on your multi of course). Odds are you won't be able to overclock that crucial much past 210fsb anyway, no matter what vdimm you put into it. After 200 start thinking about dividers.

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