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Is It Dieing?


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ok ive had my geforce fx 5200 oced (check sig for clock speeds) its been fine for awhile...but i just wnet to play halo and its really badd like there are lines extending from everywhere..if i can get a screenshot ill post it..need forspeed underground and delta force black hawk down all do it to...is this a sign of it going..also ive reset the clock frequencies to stock..and toook my ramsinks off in case there were causing something..still the same result..any tips..or input??

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you might wanna check on your northbridge first bro... If it's overheating, it could mess up your vid. Make sure it is properly cooled... with a jet engine turbine if possible ;):ph34r:

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ok i think my north bridge is fine..it orginially came with just a heatsink...i added a soyo fan onto it(5100rpm) and the heatsink is staying like not warm but not cold..

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Well, I'd replace the drivers first, just incase. If that doesn't help, then the cards probably dyeing. If you're on an extreme budget, get a 5200 Ultra. $83 at newegg and it's much better than the 5200 and 9200

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ok before i just read your last reply i took out my card..put it infront of bedroom's window fan and cooled it off, dusted it all off..checked the card over..looks fine..put it back in made sure everything is secure..reinstalled the drivers, reset the clock frequencies to my 305/478 set the driver to performance 3d instead of 2d standard, went into Halo and OMG its running better than it ever has. everything is spooth no glitching..beside normal online lag. and the temps are staying down too. I have no idea why it did it but all i know is that its performing awesomely..well compared to what i have been used to.

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idk..there wasnt much dust..mostly on the heatsink..some in a few spots..maybe thats what caused it..but im just glad it wasnt dieing...i just dont have the money to buy a new one

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