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ok well at school we have a custom made pc that the techs made the year before i became a tech...well we took the heatsink off to check what processor was in it...just curious...but we knew it was an amd...but ok..when my friend was trying to thke the heatsink and fan off..it was on the the tricky tt orbs for socket 462...he took a magnetic tipped screw driver to get the heatsink off and he accidently hit the cpu just a little with the screw driver...we re-installed the heatsink after we found out it was an athlon and went to boot it back up and it does do anything..the heatsink and fan turn on but nothing else does...is it the cpu, or is it the mobo...the mobo is an Soyo K7VTA Pro if thats needed...or could it be somethign else...??

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hmm...well he didnt damage the chip at all the screw driver just barely touched it...so i was just wondering ...the screw driver was in olur computer kit so i figured it didnt do anything...but i was just reading the usr manual for the mobo and it said that if the heatsink fan isnt plugged in properly that the power to the cpu will be disconnected...will that make it so that nothing turns on but the heatsink fan??



and i was switching cases seeing how some of my clasmates had stuck a milk in the other case and it was aweful smelling so thats why i was messin with it mostly..and its not from static i had been working with it all day and had it up and running...and im sure to ground my self everytime i go to touch something...so any other ideas??

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*cough* cpu-z *cough*



But yeah, I don't think magnetic screw drivers are harmful to mobos or processors. They contain VERY weak magnetic potential, and as far I know, magnets are most dangerous near hard drives and floppies, not processors and IC's.


That said, I'd say your best bet is to find an alternate chip and try it out in the mobo. My guess is your friend hit the processor die a little too hard and damaged the processor. But, without having been there, who knows?

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all the cpu-z told me was that it was an amd..it didnt give the mhz which i thought was weird..i thought cpu-z was supported on all mobos and cpus?? o well..and yeah i was planning on testing it but theres only one amd cpu computer left in the school and its used a lot....but when i can ill test it...do u think it may be the fan??

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I'm curious what OS this is running..I'm pretty sure in most OS' you can see the processor listed. I know in Windows I can, and I *think* Linux too, I'd have to reboot to look, but that's not happening.

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