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Been reading these forums for awhile, and have learnd a few things here as well. However reading thru all these posts has me wondering what I am missing out on. So I signd up and am now posting my first thread. In this thread I am basically just looking for specific suggestions on the products I have purchased, and what is or hasn't workd for you all, as far as settings and so forth to get that extra bit of go go outta my box.


Well any way here goes the list, and ty for suggestions in advance.


Motherboard : DFI LanParty NFII Ultra B

Processor : AMD Athlon XP 2600+ (Barton)

Video : PNY Nividia GeForce FX 5900 SE

Ram : Spectek 1GB ddr pc2700 (2x512 modules)

Hard Drive : Western Digital 120gb 7200rpm

Audio : Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Gamer

Case : Fudin RaidMax ATX 868

Case Cooling : 4x80mm 2500rpm 29cfm intake fans (on front)

1x80mm 2500rpm 29cfm intake fan (on side)

2x80mm 2500rpm 29cfm exhaust fans (on back)

CPU Cooling : AeroCool High Tower HT-101 CPU cooler (thanks OCC reviews)

PSU : Is stock came with case however it stats that it is a 420 watt psu (upgrade soon)

OS : Windows XP Pro


I believe if i'm not mistaken i have the cpu set at 200 in bios and left everything else what it was and it dispalys it as a 2600+.


Sysinfo dispalys the clock speed at 1.92ghz


Case temps displayed buy mb sensors as i type this are at 34c and cpu temp as dispalyed buy mb sensors are at 40.5c however while running games i have seen it as high as 46 to 47c on processor. Thats running everquest which utilizes 100% of cpu cycles. also vcore volages are set at 1.62.


Basically, I have seen lotta you guys sig's getting clock speeds up in the 2.2 to 2.5 ghz speeds and would like to know where i should start adjusting first, I know i can get alot more outta this box, just kinda reluctant due to what happend to the first setup i had lol, however it was prolly mustly due to poor cooling ecs mb.


I have read most of the sites FAQ's and beginners guides, and am more interested in were i should start i guess at adding the power, and have looked on the AMD site to try and find were i should have my multiplier and all set at, then i guess i could start going up from there, or if someone has a very simmilar setup what they have all their settings at, maybe gimme a safe goal to start working towards.


Once again ty for your input.

OCC Newb :blink:

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Well, with your memory you are going to have to use a divider, and loosen the timings some to get a decent overclock. I'd suggest a 5/4 divider to start with. Other than that all of your components make for a mean overclocking machine. Just start slowly upping the fsb and see how far it will take you, upping the voltages as needed. It sounds like you already have a pretty good idea of what to do, now DO IT! Good luck man. :-p

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Your machine is vaguely similair to what I am running.


I think your parts are gonna be pretty fun to OC.


One thing I might suggest is going for a better PSU. While yours may be ok, it never

hurts to have some extra juice to play with.


While I am biased, being a hardcore ATI fan, I would've gone for the 9800 XT, just because

of how it has outdone the Geforce in benchmarks and the like, but that is mostly

personal decision.


I look forward to your OC posts in the future bro!

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welcome aboard!! :D


i would start with upping the FSB in your BIOS. when you do up the FSB remember to go in small increments and after each adjustment run a CPU intensive program to 'burnin' your processor at that speed. this also checks for stability at each inteval of adjustments. i use prime 95, as do a lot of others on this site.


finally is your processor unlocked? if it is you can also change that to make you processor faster.


increasing FSB is usually prefered as it increases the whole systems performance.


good luck.


and may i suggest to you to join our folding team. we arte currently looking for more recruits. just click on the links on my sig :foldon:

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Well after a few hours of tinkering with this thing I ended up at 2220Mhz. It went much higher think i actully had the FSB up to 208 with vcore set at 1.70 which had me at almost 2400 i think it was and it ran extremmely well at 202 and 200 fsb speeds as well at 1.675 vcore which had it at 2323 and 2300, With running prime96 for 20 mins each reboot and setting it was running very stable however my temps were getting into the 47c and 48c temp ranges, which wouldn't have been safe during the day time here in south texas. So i opted for the 193mhz fsb setting instead, and without ac on all day here and running prime95 for 18hours and 2 mins straight with no errors my temp was at 50c which is perfect because i have my thermal protection set at 51c for throttleing and 56c for shut down temp.


I also felt very comfortable with this speed as 300mhz is a decent amount, and i went from haveing 35,000 scores on Aquamark3 to 41,000 score at 193fsb. I also benchmarkd better at 193fsb then i did at 208 on aquamark3, guess i am closer at 193 to my rams max then at 208 is so it runs little better there i guessing. So i'll have to live with 2.22ghz for now outta this 2600+ till I can go get some better hardware/cooling.


Next on the agenda however is the Geforce fx 5900 se :D So I'm off to find my OC'ing drivers for this sucker and see what i can get it too :)


Thanks for the help all :)

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Oooh, that 5900se will be fun...forget just overclocking the thing, you can flash that sucker to a 5950 Ultra. Check out Nuclear's page (from his sig) and you can get the stuff to flash it. That will give a BIG performance gain in 3d stuff.

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Thanks for the info, and i have flashd it to 5950ultra now and am cranking it up slowly once flashed it went to 475/972 or sumthin like that :) aqua3 scores went up slightly but not as high as i have had them with the 5900 oc'd but still lots more to get outta this sucker, so back to work :)


UPDATE: well after flashing this cars to a 5950ultra and overclocking it to 533/1005 and cranking the cpu back up to 200FSB I have found another sweet spot, were it runs extremely cool with air cooling and getting me some decent benchmark scores. So now that I have ordered my new Rator HD's and water cooling system, am looking forward to the futre. Can't wait ti;; the UPS guy arrives :D Will keep yas posted.

Edited by Bigfwd69

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