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Overclock Problem

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I oc'd my 2500+ to 192x11 and everything was fine. I went yo 195 and it wouldn't boot into windows so increased the vcore to 1.8, it got to the black windows XP screen and rebooted itself. I took it back to stock voltage and 166fsb.....it boots up no problem.....updated the dmi, it passed the black winxp screen and was about to boot into windows then just restarted itself again. I lowered the fsb to133 and it still does it. I have reset cmos but still reboots itself.

Any ideas...I am using a gigabyte 7n400l mobo with 512 ddr pc2100


Edit: Now It will detect my hd, says a cmos checksum error? What is that?

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checksum error is usually a bios problem. try resetting the bios then check the usual suspects; ie ram then cpu. I had the same problem when i tryed to go to high and all i had to do was reset my cmos.

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