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In my VB class at school our teacher wants us to make a jeopardy game for a project. She wants the command buttons for each category to be made out of a control array...but every time a make a question for a command button every button in that array has the same question...is there any way i can do somthing different with each button ? any help would be appreciated

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I think I know the problem, when you create a control array, you have a standard sub like this.


Private Sub Command(Index as integer)


end sub


For command(1) Index will = 1


so you just need to use something like this


if Index = 1 then command(index).caption = "Question1"


or you could store the questions in an array like, questions(), and use something like


while index < counter

command(index).caption = questions(index)

index = index + 1


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