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Epic Games Announces Publishing Effort with Three Developer Partnerships Already


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When Epic Games decided to launch the Epic Games Store and to use a different model with how developers and publishers are paid, it unquestionably disrupted the industry that has long been dominated by Steam. It seems Epic Games is again hoping to disrupt the industry as it has announced Epic Games Publishing, a multiplatform publishing effort that will take a more developer-focused approach. Already it has partnerships with three developers: gen DESIGN of The Last Gaurdian; Playdead of both Inside and Limbo; and Remedy Entertainment of Control and Alan Wake.

Epic Games' developer-focus is taking form with this publishing effort by ensuring full creative freedom and ownership, fully funding projects, and a 50/50 profit sharing system. With Epic Games Publishing, developers will keep 100% of the intellectual property along with full creative control of their work, which certainly some developers may especially appreciate. It will also cover up to 100% of development costs, including developer salaries and expenses associated with going to market, such as QA, localization, marketing, and publishing costs. With the language, "up to 100%" it appears not all projects will be fully backed by Epic Games, but what determines the level of backing is not stated in the announcement, though that would be something likely only developers wanting to work with Epic Games Publishing need to know. According to the announcement, the 50/50 profit sharing will kick in once costs are recovered, with developers earning at least 50% of the profits.

Tim Sweeney, founder and CEO of Epic Games describes this publishing model as what Epic Games would want whenever it worked with publishers.

Epic Games Publishing will present the next games from the three developers listed earlier, but the announcements for these games will come in future months. We can also expect additional information and development partners in the coming months too. It will be interesting to see what comes of this new effort, both for how it may influence other publishers but also how many other developers may partner with it.



Source: Epic Games

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