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Need help finding a new graphics card for my pre-built pc

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Hello everyone!


I'm not super savvy when it comes to pc builds and I need some help finding a new graphics card. My current one is old but does the job, but I would like to upgrade. Price range between $200-300 Canadian dollars :)


My PC specs:


HP Pavilion p7-1455

My processor

My current graphics card specs


My power supply is only 300W so I know I'll have to change that as well. I'm currently running Windows 8.1.


From what I've gathered, my processor is good but my motherboard is small, so I can't get a full size graphics card. My brother suggested this one but I'm not sure if it'll work with what I have now.


Any suggestions for what I currently have would be greatly appreciated. If you need more info, please ask!


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Dimenshia

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That gtx 960 would be a good choice.  Only requires a 400watt psu with 1x 6 pin pci-e connector.  A short 970 would be better of course but quite a bit more money.


From the red team, I think the R9 380 is on par performance wise with the gtx 960.  http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202151

You may be able to do the hybrid sli thing amd does with their apu's.  I'm not familiar with it so you should research it first to see if any gains would be worth the effort.

This one needs more power, 1x 8pin or use the adapter for 2x 6pin pci-e.


The other thing is that you already have an nvidia card, the gt 620.  Swapping in a new 960 couldn't be easier.  Switching over to amd will require a full removal of old nvidia drivers to avoid problems.  


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I agree that the 960 is the budget way to go here without having to do serious upgrades - and the performance improvement will be immense. Just make sure you actually measure based on the specs given in ALL directions. My recent card purchase (also a 960) fit fine, except the depth was about 1/4 inch greater than the last card. Turns out that 1/4 inch is enough to make it hit the side case fan... which means I either need to leave my side open or remove my fan :/


A good lesson anyway! Too focused on the height and width, wasn't considering the depth as well!



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