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4690K Overclock, Does everything look OK!


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Hi there,


I am relatively new to Haswell and newer Chipsets. I came from a LGA 775 Q6600 on a Asus P5Q. I have done lots of research and read many forums on Overclocking my system. To be sure I would like to put out my results and system specs to make sure everything is all good.


System Specs


Motherboard: Asus Z97-A

CPU:              I5 4690k 

CPU Cooler:  Corsair H100i GTX

RAM:             Corsair 8gb DDR3 1600mhz 8 8 8 24

Video Card:   PNY GTX 560TI   (Overclocked Core: 950mhz, Memory 2100mhz 


I have overclocked my CPU to 4.6ghz (Core Voltage 1.25v Max) (CPU Input Voltage 1.73v Max) (CPU cache 4.2) (Cache voltage 1.2v Max)


I have?? also overclocked my Ram from 1.5v 1600mhz 8 8 8 24   to   1.5v 2133mhz 10 10 10 27


My voltages are set to Adaptive, with a MAX Turbo Core voltage. I originally tried Prime 95 with Manual set voltage but temps were through the roof so I stopped quick. Later I read it was not a good program for haswell CPU's.??


?I have? stable stress testing using Intel Extreme Tuning Utility  Gaming/daily tasks  using a manual voltage of 1.250 and a Adaptive of 1.250. temperatures??? are in check, 70 degrees max give or take a few degrees depending on ambient temperature.


System is stable with just the CPU at 4.6ghz. (Currently still testing system with the Cache overclocked and the Ram overclocked.)


I am wondering peoples thoughts on my results or if there is anything I have missed or should change.? let me know  


Thank you



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I use Prime 95 on Haswell. Looks like a fairly solid system and one of our staff members has a very similar system minus the video card. 


Your voltage caps look good but I tend to set my voltages manually since adaptive will give the core what it thinks it needs vs what will allow it to be stable. This would drive your temps up some as well. Haswell runs hot period when you OC.  You could run LinX as well to try and find out of your chip is stable.


I start with Memtest before going into windows

Then I hit Prime 95 blend test to check stability. I run it between 12 and 24 hours when I am trying my final settings. A shorter test is LinX with the max amount of memory but beware the heat generated in Prime 95 and LinX can be severe because of the compute load imparted on the system.

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Hey thanks for your response.


Maybe I will give Prime 95 another go. I will set the voltage manual for that test.


In all other test and real world usage a short time with Aida64 too, on adaptive it has stayed at the maximum 1.250 that I set. So using this should be ok once I have confirmed stability on manual voltage right?


Thanks for your help and suggestions

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You could have used the auto overlock soft from asus on z98-a. It kinda brings it to 4.6 anyway. without any issue. System will be as smooth as you can expect and much stable.

The ram latency has increased to let you know, however,.. might not make much noticeable performance difference. 

Edited by get_saif

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When you ran AIDA64, what were your temps like? (assuming you ran the stability test)


Although a synthetic benchmark isn't representative of real world usage, you should be able to run it without immediately reaching unsafe temps. If you do, then you might want to revise your OC.

When you run games, how are your temps like? 4.6Ghz is a great OC btw!

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Hey get_saif I did use the Asus Ai Suite 3 and achieved 4.5 with a voltage of 1.275. I am using corsair link, best not to have two monitoring programs. I set everything I'm bios as Ai suite would ..just higher clocks. I did use it and found it to be good and was stable.



My Temps when gaming on Gta 5 yesterday for a couple hours were max 60 degrees. But this is the hottest part of the day where the sun shines right in my place.


As for Aida 64 I will need to run another test with it fully to see about Temps, tinkered snce I used it.



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Hey get_saif I did use the Asus Ai Suite 3 and achieved 4.5 with a voltage of 1.275. I am using corsair link, best not to have two monitoring programs. I set everything I'm bios as Ai suite would ..just higher clocks. I did use it and found it to be good and was stable.



My Temps when gaming on Gta 5 yesterday for a couple hours were max 60 degrees. But this is the hottest part of the day where the sun shines right in my place.


As for Aida 64 I will need to run another test with it fully to see about Temps, tinkered snce I used it.




Thats good to hear, the soft came handy.

60c is quite good temp, considering the hot environment. 

Good luck with manual settings from there!




Also like Ai suite 3 would do. In the bios I have turned on Epu power saving? Have not any negative effects? Voltages on adaptive.


Any reason not to ?


EPU is just power saving mode directly related to how your cpu clock changes depending on load. You can disable it. (Note: In Auto overclocking, EPU kinda plays a good role for stability).

In fact for high overclocking we need the power as well, so in manual O.C it does not make much sense to keep it enabled.

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