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Windows XP Problems


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OK, i just installed windows XP professional on my mom's new system (athlon xp 1900 with 512 meg DDRram). i got into it fine, installed software for her all-in-wonder 7500, and that worked fine, (i downloaded all of the newest drivers and software from ATI.com). when i went to reboot, it wouldnt reboot properly. it would just freeze with a blue screen (not BSOD, just completely blue). so i tried safe mode, and since it lists all files that are loaded, it kept stalling on "mup.sys" luckily, i kept 3 gigs of unpartitioned space, so i installed a secondary installation of XP, went into the system32\drivers directory (on the primary) and replaced the mup.sys. that didnt work. so i deleted (or should i say renamed it to mup.sys.old) it and tried a boot. it just stalled on a different file. i tried this 3 times (the files were ndis.sys, ntfs.sys, and VIAAGP1.SYS.) and decided that i was getting nowhere. i tried just replacing the old directory (on primary) with the secondary (copied the drivers folder to c from f). this passed the listing of files on a safe mode boot, but gave me a BSOD after the screen cleared.

has anyone ever had problems with a similar problem or have any advice? i could just reformat, but i really want to solve the problem, and not just push it out of the way. thanks a lot.

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