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Pc won't turn on

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Hey guys, Pteroduck here

So for some reason, my friend's PC wont turn on. I initally thought it was his power supply so I went out and replaced it with a spare and it wont turn on either. I tried different cables, and testing things individually. That meant that I individually tested each stick of RAM and took out the GPU to test it as well. 


His specs are i5-3570k, 850w Silverstone strider/850w CS corsair PSU, Noctura NHD14 cooler, Generic Ram, MSI gtx 970, Asus z77 motherboard, intel 520 SSD.

Any ideas guys? 

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Could be an issue with the motherboard itself. If you've tried different power supplies, could be a short somewhere in the motherboard that isn't making the connection when the power is hooked up.


You have a spare LGA 1155 board to test by any chance?

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I'm only suggesting this because I always figure it's something major when an electronic device won't start.

Make sure the outlet has power and hasn't popped a breaker, then rule out the start button by doing the following.



Here's what to do to test the start button:

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Also I'd try all of his components that you can in your machine or another one and see if there's any issue with them there. If it's not starting at all and the power supply is good in another machine then it's pretty clearly the motherboard. I'd swap his PSU into your system and see if it starts and then just assume the mother board since it's not doing anything. I'm guessing his motherboard is not in warranty anymore?

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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