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Fallout 4 - Coming November 10, 2015


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You can see the gamescon gameplay on youtube(probably won't be available for long, also potato quality) for F4



Doesn't seem too different gameplay wise from F3/NV in this segment, laser is a big flashier and seems to have a fire effect, can remove the limbs from the ghouls tho, terminals don't seem to have changed much if at all.

The dog ai doesn't seem to run between your legs now, wonder if it'll be like that indoors

Wonder when Bethesda will release the video themselves to the public

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I don't even think that video is supposed to be released to public, so whoever recorded it did so at risk, most likely.


The ghouls will keep coming at you with the limbs removed. Pop off an arm, still come after you. Both arms, they'll have to bite. Legs? Well, they'll try to crawl at you. :lol: Hacking is similar, lockpicking is similar, so those two are both good. AI can still be tweaked in polishing. Still have a couple months to go before it's gold, so don't have to freak out on things.

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lol, yeah, definitely an upgrade time.


Works nicely on my Xperia Z3. No issues or anything. Can't play it too much today since I'll be on the road before too long, but definitely going to be the first game I'll play for any length of time on my phone in quite some time.

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