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Can someone help me please?


Question - What does 'Bottom - Multi Directional' mean?


Reason - Looking at buying the Bitfenix Phenom with the following PSU - Be Quiet Pure Power L8 500w but unsure if suitable.  I know the length is ok, not sure about bottom etc?


Thank you.

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It's not a type of power supply,.. those terms describe a type of case depending on power supply location & mounting position.


Bottom mount means,..The power supply is mounted in the Bottom of the case,.. Multi-Directional means power supply can either mount with fan pulling fresh cool air from Outside case,.. or mounted with fan pulling warm air from Inside case. 


The Bitfenix Phenom case uses a vertically mounted power supply,.. located in the front bottom of the case,. so it's called bottom mount multi-directional.


 I would use a Modular Power Supply with this case to avoid cable clutter. :D


Photo's of Bitenix Phenom Case,..

Edited by Braegnok

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Generally power supply location is specified. Top mounted is usually older or cheaper cases.

Bottom mount is common contemporary, usually a bottom mount can be mounted fan up or down, though filters are usually on bottom.

No air vent means fan intake should not face that direction.

Power supplies with 120mm, 125mm, 135mm, or140mm fans blow "top" in and out the back.

60mm 70mm, 80mm (one or two) usually blow front to back.

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