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Upgrading 2-3 year old PC with GTX 780, bottleneck danger?


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Hey folks, I desperately need to upgrade my old GTX 285 to a DX11 card for reasons work-related, I want to keep it for a long time so cheaper models are not an option. I'm wondering, if I use this on my old PC, is there going to be a major bottleneck (I was thinking CPU mostly)? Buying a new PC entirely isn't possible for me atm. but likely will happen in the future, right now the GPU is my primary concern.


Specs (PC is roughly 2-3 years old):


i7 920 @ 2.8 GHz


DDR-3 3x2 GB OCZ memory @ 1600 MHz (i think), can't remember the timings

800 watt PSU from Antec

nothing is OC'd


The powersupply has been in use for about 2 years and has not once caused a problem, I checked the cords and it does have an extra 2-pin alongside one of the two 6-pins to form an 8-pin which is required for a GTX 780.

Memory will be upgraded some time later to 16 GB or 32 GB depending on how it will cost (probably 16 GB because I think my mobo doesn't support more). I'm also still using Windows Vista because I have a huge work setup that would take ages to reinstall so I haven't upgraded my Windows, is this a problem for drivers or w/e?



Edited by carinae

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So the card is for work not gaming?? Why the GTX780 then?? Is the card itself being used?? I feel like the memory would be more important to upgrade and a lesser card right??


That's still a great CPU (I speak from experience), though maybe you could try and find a 970 or something and drop it in there

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