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Looking to get a 1440p monitor.

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Hey everyone! I am looking to buy a 1440p monitor it will be used mainly for gaming. I have been looking at this Asus 

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236294  it looks pretty good. Do you all think that's a good monitor? I was also looking at a Dell but it's response time is 8ms compared to the 5ms of the Asus. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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I don't think 3ms of response time matters very much, unless you are really particular about your gaming. 

Which dell monitor were you looking at? Either way, that Asus, nice contrast ratio, good price.

I was looking at the Samsung monitors in that price range. My god! Wtf is wrong with those prices?

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Response times in general are pretty meaningless and not something that should play a huge factor in choosing a monitor. Anything under 12ms is perfectly fine imo. My Dell monitor has an 8ms response time (GTG) and honestly I've never even noticed it during games or movies. It has an incredibly low input lag too, which to me is more important than response time. Not many sites or even reviews mention input lag, but TFT Central is one that does. Lots of good information and reviews there, and is one of the places I check whenever I'm in the market for a new monitor or helping people choose.

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I'm really leaning towards the Samsung Series 9 S27B970D I've read several reviews for it and it seems pretty incredible people compare it to Apple studio monitors some say it's even better. 


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If you're going to spend that much I'd go ahead and jump up to a 30" 2560x1600. The higher you go in resolution though the more GPU power you're going to need for gaming.

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If you're going to spend that much I'd go ahead and jump up to a 30" 2560x1600. The higher you go in resolution though the more GPU power you're going to need for gaming.


Well I'm gonna go with a Sapphire 7990 would that be powerful enough for a 1600p monitor?

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I do just fine with xfire 6970s so I imagine a 7990 would do even better. But I'm also not an fps whore and couldn't care less about Crysis so it depends on what kind of fps you like to play at. I'm the type that can play a game just fine even if it dips to 30 fps occasionally.

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