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Cooler Master 912 (Confusion help)

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On most of the boards I'm experienced with the Northbridge usually runs hotter than the Southbridge, but those temps can be greatly affected by overclocking, specifically pushing your FSB.  If you plan on running stock clocks and voltages then you shouldn't have much concern over either of those temps because they should be running within the thermal design limits of what the board maker (MSI) felt was acceptable.


There are some things you can do if you still aren't comfortable with the temps though;


Remove the northbridge and southbridge heatsinks and replace the factory TIM with some good stuff.  Thoroughly clean off the old thermal grease and replace it with AS5, MX2, Ceramique or your other favorite brand of aftermarket TIM.

Reinstall the heatsinks and check temps again.  Caution - do not use TOO MUCH thermal paste on these chipsets.  The last thing you want is thermal grease seeping over the chipset and onto other critical components or traces on your board.  Many types of the good thermal grease are conductive and they can cause a short.


Place fans over the northbridge and southbridge to give you some active cooling.

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Ya i set some things up and been messing with the clocks kinda starting to like MSI a bit as it has 3 profile modes in Bios OCgenie Standard and eco and you can change everythin around and set them to w/e you want so figured id go with OCgenie autotune to which it basiclly like idk evaluated my system and set it from 3.6Ghz to 3.8 and i barely saw a difference in temps Im not too worried about this temps but for knowledge purposes i was trying to learn/see which of these TMPINs are which im pretty sure TMPIN2 Is southbridge now that ive read up that it basiclly helps communicate the lowr half of the board GPU etc and sense i wasnt using them at the time of monitoring it would make sense it would be the lowest but atm my temps are sticking around 30" under load 44 max load quite satisfied Im messing around with OCCT HWmonitor  CPUID And MSIs Control panel and even after updating have come to terms that its Memory Tab/Menu is quite flawwed as it still claims i have only DDR3-1333 yet everything else is saying 933.3mhz which is 1866 My OC Genie actually clocked it to 2005 and still very lil of a difference in temps between stock very happy about that


And i read a few columns that the Northbridge & Southbridge are quite durable when it comes to heat So it wasnt so much as panic just trying to figure out who all these people are at the party :P

TY Very much btw on the OCCT Recomendation its a very nice app i guess any panic i did have came from readin that the 4100 FX's Max Operating tempature was 70"c which i thought was extremely low for a max temp but it would appear as such then that Microcenter removed that Mention on its sale page hmmm

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