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Selling my stuff need money

7oss El Leel

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hello every one 
how it's going :D

hope every thing is ok 



i started a small business ( t Shirt printing )

i sold my mobile for a good amount of money in order to start 

and sadly after i started i found that i missed a lot of points and need to but more equipments.


so now i'm in a mid point to quit or just taking the risk & sell some of my stuff and buy the needed equipments and continue 


i need money between 300 to 400 le 


but i don't know what to sell 




should i sell on of my 2 rams 4 GB G.Skill SniperCL9  1600 DDR3

and sell my headphone Sennheiser ( have another headphone not a fancy bit it works fine ) 

both gonna give me 300 le 





or should i sell my GTX560Ti and buy another low end GPU

and make a profit of 400 le 


i really hate to sell my stuff

but i've to do that


needs your opinions guys 

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Do you have paypal?

I can send you the equivalent of 400EGP if you'd like.


OT, it'd make more sense to sell the 560Ti imo if thats the only RAM you have. As obviously RAM is more important than a dedicated GPU in the short term.

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Do you have paypal?


I can send you the equivalent of 400EGP if you'd like.




OT, it'd make more sense to sell the 560Ti imo if thats the only RAM you have. As obviously RAM is more important than a dedicated GPU in the short term.


No man Thanks 

Much appreciated 


and i guess i gonna sell my GPU :( 

it's a sad story but i'm forced 

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Might want to look into making a emergency fund for situations when you need money fast. Try to get assets you can convert to cash in a short amount of time?


Wish you the best of luck in your business!


Thanks man 

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