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Anyone familiar with Auria Monitors?


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I am looking at getting a 27" monitor, old man and bad eyes :rolleyes: So I am fine with just a 1080 resolution on it. I found what appears to be a great deal at Microcenter. An Auria EQ276L, the price of $199 is really tempting, however I am not familiar with this brand. Also the brands PDF for the monitor shows it as 12ms while Microcenter has it listed as 4ms on the response. Hoping someone here as personal experience with the brand or even better this specific monitor.



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Re response time: 12ms and 4ms are both irrelevant to some extent as it refers to grey to grey response time (basically marketing guff). The real response time is what matters.

Haven't had experience with Auria but I wouldn't buy it.


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Microcenter is wrong on the pixel response time.  It is 12ms per EQD.


Sorry I can't help out with any of your other questions.  But since you are buying brick & mortar I don't see any harm in buying one and trying it out.  You can always take it back if it has too many dead pixels or backlight bleed through.  I guess long term reliability might come into question, but you never know until you try. 


I did find some reviews on their 27" 2560x1440 IPS monitors and the feedback has been average to good.


Here is their complete product lineup and info about the parent company;



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Wev I have seen the same thing, most reviews seem to be positive but they are all about the 1440 display model.


Took this a step further, I contacted EQD, the only contact information was a tech support phone number. The lady I spoke with is going to have someone from EQD call me back about setting up a review of two of their monitors. Will most with more info if I hear back...

Edited by ComputerEd

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Cool.  Should you get monitors for review you can send me one afterwards and I'll put it in our panel lab  :)


Our techs can take a look at the sys internals and determine panel mfg., panel grade, scaler board etc., solder quality other component quality  :)


Then you would have a real review!

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