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Question about temperatures on Gtx 680 Twin Frozr

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Hey all. I want to ask about temps in that card.
On all games when i playing, temps are fine 65-68 C.

But on Unigine 4.0 or playing Crysis 3 temp going max to 70 c.

ANd question. This is not too high for Twin Frozr? Please help. Thx

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Nope, you are fine with those temps. There are some games than run the GPU a bit warmer (Crysis 2 did that as well as sleeping Dogs for example) id you are worried about 'burning your GPU', don't. The max operating thermal linit on that chip is 98C. I personally would not ever fins tat an acceptable temp, but they are made to operate at much higher temps than you have going there.

here is the link to the thermal specs on your chip FYI  

Hope that helps :)


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