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Unigine heaven 3.0 error


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please tell me how many times it is necessary to pass the test unigine heaven 3.0? How much?


I am suspecting this might turn into that 3D Mark 11 performance score variation thread :teehee:

Use games to test for 24/7 stability.


To get a Unigine score, lower your overclock and test Unigine again.

Keep lowering the overclock until it is stable enough to give you a score and then you can fine tune the overclock my a few MHz every time and try get your max overclock.

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please tell me how many times it is necessary to pass the test unigine heaven 3.0? How much?

Depends on how stable you want your system to be.


Personally I find an initial overclock with Heaven and then drop my clocks every time I have an issue in games. Eventually you'll end up with a stable clock and unfortunately there is no "fast" way to do this nor is there a way that will guarantee you completely stable results using only a few programs.

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