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Gigabyte 570 OC problem

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Hello there hardware Crusaders!

This is my first post here and I appreciate your attention for reading my post and any help provided concerning my gpu.


I bought a new rig two weeks ago : Core i5 3450 , 8 GB Ram Kingston Hyperblue , Seasonic 620w Bronze PSU , Gigabyte H77-DS3H and of course Gigabyte 570 GTX OC rev 1. http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3685#ov


The case is : http://flostoncase.com/atx/topsider#


My problem is the GPU. It is a good card for its price and I haven't OCed it as everything runs as it should on it.ALMOST. I played Metro 2033 , MW3 and other gpu intensive games without a hitch but after I installed Sleeping Dogs I found out that it heats my card up to 74 grades Celsius.No problem there of course but when it reaches that temperature a slight noise is coming from it.It sin't a coil whine noise neither a high pitch coming from my PSU.

It sounds like something vibrates in my case and I have tried to find the sourse wich is my GPU.That vibration isn't very loud neither it goes non-stop - only when the gpu is under load and only under that game.I tried Furmark and Kombustor and after 25 minutes those two haven't heated up my card up to 75 grades celsius. The sound wich I hear is something like this

. Not that loud and neither continuous but randomly just like something would vibrates in my case.

I heard those sounds from an old card wich had its fans tired but I haven't fought I'd hear from this new one aswell. It pitches up and down not very loud and when I alt-tab it dissapears.Its not coil whine I am %100 sure of that.


Fixed it again in place etc..,and tried to stop the fans while that sound was going but it was dissapearing so fast and reappearing as I couldn't stop those fans in time.I don't know what to do and I fear this problem will get worse even tough it doesn't bother me now.


Perhaps is a normal sound but in 3dmark,Furmark,Heaven and other games it doesn't appear.If I remove chassis cover the vga goes cooler and I can't catch that noise again.It happens @ 74 grades celsius.


Any tips?Should I RMA it? Thanks again in advance!

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You put a lot of thought and effort in trying to figure this problem out so I hate to give a quick reply, but honestly I would RMA it if that is still an option. I have spent so much time troubleshooting hardware I no longer feel it is our duty to fix their issues especially since we pay good money. I hate these kinds of issues and anytime hardware starts making these kinds of sounds it is usually two things:


- It is about to fail

- It is loose, rubbing on something and vibrations cause the noise


It could be a simple fix, like a bearing but I say let them figure it out.

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have you tired manually raising the fan speed and seeing when you hear it. My guess it's either the card fan or it's possible another fan in your computer. you keep saying its not a coil whine so my only thoughts are vibrations causing weird sounds either from the the metal or the fan itself. tighten all the screws in your case and see if that is the issues than speed up the fan manually without stressing the gpu and see if you hear it again. If neither of those work than my guess it's something to do with your computer on load.

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I went back with the card to the reseller and I left it there for RMA.I hope I'll get my money back and try another gpu.Right now I use the integrate cpu video card and my PC is deadly silent.Nothing vibrates etc.I bet it was one of the GPU's coolers as they were vibrating only under high spin rates and temperatures.

Thanks you for answers and I hope I'll have more luck with the next one.Cheers!

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