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New Mobo and W7 Pro


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I ordered a new motherboard for my computer (ASUS M5A97 R2 LE), and I'm intending to replace my current (M4A79-XTD Evo) with it tonight. However, I'm not sure if my OS is going to accept the new MoBo. Reason is, I got my copy from a friend who bought it for around $60 via some corporate deal, and then sold it to me when he found out he didn't need it. I'm going to be using the same HD I've always used, so there's no problems there. Just checking to know if I'm going to have any trouble.




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it may possibly ask you to re-activate it... best thing to do is uninstall all drivers and do the swap...


I've gotten lucky half the time where I swapped the boards and it went fine and other times I have had to re-activate... its always went though for me

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