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oc asus p5ql-e with intel q83000

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ok so i've had a read of various guides but am still a little confused.


My system:


Asus p5ql-e mobo

intel core 2 quad q8300 cpu 2.5ghz

2 x 2gb trancend ddr2 - pc2 6400 (800mhz) dimm

Stock intel cpu cooler

Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit

Antec Sonata III w 500watt psu


I use my pc as a daw for making music and its been running smoothly since i built it over 2 years ago but being a tinker would like to see if i can get more out of it plus will be adding another 4gig of ram very soon


Does anyone have any simple settings i can change to overclock this system. I've searched the net and found various info on the board but not with this cpu.


Thanks in advance

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Welcome to the OCC forums Chivers.

if you're going to O/C I'd recommend starting off with a replacement cpu cooler in place of the stock intel cooler. The quad cores can get warm when you start pushing them and I wouldn't want you to tear anything up. Just posting up simple settings is an easy way to get close but mileage always varies as no two components ever seem to yield the exact same results.


Some general guidance though.


Load BIOS default values

Hard set cpu multiplier to x7.5

Set FSB to 361

Set vcore to 1.30

Hard set pci frequency to 100

Turn off all motherboard and cpu power saving features for now


Leave everything else on auto...........


Boot and run Prime95 for 15-20 minutes. If it passes, so back into your BIOS and increase FSB by 10, reboot and test with Prime again. You can repeat this process until you fail prime or your system BSODs or fails to boot into Windows. The 1.30v on the cpu is fairly conservative, as is the 361 FSB as a starting point. That shouldn't create any problems. WATCH YOUR CPU TEMPS. Again, not sure how far you'll get on the OEM cooler. If you hit 75C during Prime, you need to drop back your FSB and vcore until temps get back in control. Or - get an aftermarket CPU cooler.


Normally you'd have to worry about memory speed too, since memory frequency will increase with FSB. However, If I remember correctly on the Asus P5 boards the BIOS does a good job of selecting the closest memory multiplier when leaving that setting on auto. If you find differently, you'll need to manually set your memory multiplier to yield a final memory speed that is close to the mfg. rating on your memory module. May be a little slower or a a little faster.

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so tried what you said and it looks like a new cooler is needed. after 8 mins on blend in prime95 cpu1 reached 75 with the others hovering around 64. can you reccommend one. i hear arctic do a good one the 120extreme

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That depends a lot on your budget Chivers and what suppliers you can buy from (based on your location). Please tell us the max amount you're willing to spend. Considering water cooling or just good air cooling? Where would you be purchasing the cooler from?

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