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Measure grahics card performance


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That is really odd, I used to have the same CPU/HS a while back and had a fairly good OC on it and never saw temp issues. What kind of temps are you seeing? Also, what kind of voltage is being sent through the CPU?


I haven't adjusted the voltages at all and I haven't even started OCing.


The temperature reaches 80oC and the OCCT cuts out.

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Or heatsink improperly mounted? Or thermal grease applied incorrectly? Too many variables with high temps to narrow it down to bad cheap.


Well he did say he reapplied the thermal paste. =/

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Well he did say he reapplied the thermal paste. =/


Because when I installed it I put it on the wrong way round only and my Heatsink didn't fit, so I took it off, turned it but didn't re-do the thermal paste. YEah I know I'm a noob.



I also followed the guidance of this you tube guy:


He states that once you feel some resistance you should stop screwing in your heatsink. I did this. However checked again late last night to find that I was little early when I stopped. The heatsink wasn't on just tight enogh. I'm now getting temps of around 70oC under load.


Much better eh?

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