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Cooling idea

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If you have a discarded AC unit and some money you want to invest trying this it could work, but as mentioned above you are going to need to dielectric coat a lot of other parts, neoprene spacers, custom bolt downs for the cold plates/blocks ironically making those from plexi would probably be the easiest part of a build like this, a drainage solution, a way to pay the power bill a window unit can suck up some serious juice. If you aren't looking for sub-ambient temps. A good water setup with a few massive rads could do what you want if you are not looking to move the computer much. When I say massive rads I mean over kill sized Rads, Like Three old cheap new/refurbished(to insure their is no junk in them) car rads with home plexi shrouds or just straight up 12V electric radiator fans. One for the cpu on for NB/SB/MOFSETS(a major factor these days), and one for the GPUs because if you are going to go this far you should probably consider a multi-card setup. As you will also most likely need dual psu's to run something like this. I would also build it on a rolling cart/chasis for easy movement around the room for when adjustments are needed could turn out awesome just be prepared to throw some cash. That or you could invest the cash in just a better rig or if you have the best out there already an off the shelf sub-ambient solution would probably work better and be cheaper. Example phase change unit here $1200

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