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460GTX SLI Surround.

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If I take my 460's out of SLI, I can easily get 3 monitors (2 of same size/res, 1 of smaller size/res) working. With SLI enabled, I can see the third monitor, yet cannot enable it.



My question is this, if I have 3x of the same exact monitor, can I use surround on dual 460GTX's? My gpus are too big currently (topCU's) to add a 3rd "monitor 3" card to my rig.



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Are you enabling surround through the Nvidia Control Panel? Try using all 3 DVI outputs on the cards.




When I plug the 3rd monitor in, it will not recognize or span properly. It usually sets the other two monitors at a crazy res.

Adjusting that causes Nvidia control panel to crash.


If I could just fit my 9600GT into my system..


(My 2 460's overhang the other pci-e slots too much..

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