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Asus EAH5770 crash on HyperDrive


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I tried to OC my Asus EAH5770 using the "Asus SmartDoctor HyperDrive".


here's what I did, I opened the SmartDoctor Settings then checked "Enable HyperDrive"


then I selected the "3D Game Mode" then click Apply.(do I have to restart my pc? because I didn't)


when I tried to play Splinter Cell Conviction, I noticed that it is a bit laggy while loading,


and then suddenly it crashed and give me a BSOD.


it didn't even reached the game menu.


what could possibly be the problem?


btw, the temps of my gpu is 41C on idle and seldom exceeds 60C when playing games

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The problem is that there are too many possibilities for that to have happened. I think a conservative approach to the situation for the moment is to uninstall the smart doctor and reinstall it. However, it could be anything ranging from driver issues to faulty power delivery. You need to give us the BSOD code, and a more descriptive story about your experience with the situation and about what you have done to trouble shoot the problem.

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