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new MSI 580 xtreme lightning 3GB


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on an insanely rare ocasion I bought something for myself - a MSI 580 lightning xtreme 3GB- partly as a bday prezzie. here's the thing - before you go all medevil on my butt saying I'll never use 3GB - I saw 2GB use in DCS A-10C already.


I got a few question I'm hoping the community can help me with.


card idles at about 33-34C (online says it idles at about 30C) and tops out at about 66C (online says it tops out at about 60C). open/closed window (quite cool outside) doesn't seem to rly make a difference. so I'm thinking since the card exhasts hot air INSIDE the case, can it be a screwed up airflow? can i be any better? like should I maybe reverse my sade panel fan in my 932 HAF case? right now it inputs air over the card, which it turn also blows air into the incoming fan and ... this makes little sense. should the case fan EXPELL air outside that the card puts out?


also a question about overclocking the card. the obvious one being: is it worth overclocking? that is - will there be any performance increase in games? and a follow up: most reviews I read online say they overclocked the GPU to 900 w/o any voltage increase. I can't. I can't even get to 870 without increasing the voltage a tiny bit. (all this thru MSI afterburner app).


and last question - I hooked up the two 8 pin power cables to this card thru 6-to-8 pin power connectors (that came with the card). is that tollerable or should I take them out and plug my native 8 pin connectors (which are actually 6+2 but that doesn't matter)? I didn't do it at the beginning cuz my cable management scares me and I didn't want to pull the cables. should I?


~thanks for any and all help, community~

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right now running @ 920/1840/2100 and 1088mV (defaulted from 1090). I noticed very little performance improvement. maybe 10-15 FPS in metro 2033 (highest FPS) w/o physX. avg. FPS stayed about the same. so what's the OC all about?


p.s. temps are surprisingly still 66C loaded.


am I missing something?

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overclocked to 950/1900/2100 at +0.1V. FPS increased slightly if at all. for all that extra heat (like 7-10C above stock) what is the actual advantage? shouldn't it be somehow in some way better? or am I bottlenecked by something else?

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