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Thoughts on H100 with these fans.

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So i finished my lapping and install of the H100, cant say im pleased with the results. I ended up taking off the pre applied TIM since i wanted to make sure it was making contact. My temps are worse at stock speeds 2.6ghz..my house temp right now is about 50 or so, feels cold as . since i didnt leave the heater on. After i turned it on for the first time my bios cpu temp read 15c which i thought was pretty good, but real temp showed all cores around 35c which is about 4c higher than my initial temps before with the NH d14. I applied AC5 since its all i have at the moment and only used a pea size dab, made sure a thin layer was applied and re installed. Stock temps were no different and i decided to OC to 4.2 and run IBT, after 4 passes my highest temps were all around 80 except core 4 which was 65 or so? no idea why..i made sure the cpu was flat in all areas and i would expect a much lower temp with the lapping but go figure. My pump is working at 2100 rpm and im on the full speed setting with this thing..i know i could get better temps with IC diamond but only like a few degrees..starting to wonder if my H100 is bad or not..i believe i could get better temps with my D14 now...ugh.


Here is a link to the lapping of my 920





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It might just be the angle in the picture and the video...but that IHS doesn't look flat at all. Sure, it's shiny, but in the picture it looks like the upper-left hand corner in particular is not flat. If the IHS is convex that would explain your temps.

Edited by Waco

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It might just be the angle in the picture and the video...but that IHS doesn't look flat at all. Sure, it's shiny, but in the picture it looks like the upper-left hand corner in particular is not flat. If the IHS is convex that would explain your temps.


Yah the upper corner isnt perfectly flat, i couldnt get the corners to match the middle after using 600 grit three times, then 800 and so on. Would it be a bad idea to sand it some more? like start over?

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What flat surface are you using to lap it? I use a 3/8" sheet of glass to make sure the surface doesn't flex at all.



Never used glass myself but it would fit the bill perfectly.


Attempting to lap by hand or even with a sanding block would result rather badly. It does stand out in the picture that at least the one corner is not flat. So if you can get a small sheet of glass or some similarily rigid and flat object, sand a little more being careful not to roll your edges as you go.

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Never used glass myself but it would fit the bill perfectly.


Attempting to lap by hand or even with a sanding block would result rather badly. It does stand out in the picture that at least the one corner is not flat. So if you can get a small sheet of glass or some similarily rigid and flat object, sand a little more being careful not to roll your edges as you go.


This is what i lapped it on, i followed the videos online and went back and forth and was careful and not apply pressure just letting the cpu do the job. Did 30 reps x3 with each grit, took me awhile to get the nickel off the edges though. Ill re lap it and see what i come out with. Is the heat buildup in this cpu in the middle or all around?


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I would hate to say the fans are a pos but I cant because it doesnt explain a 15C defferance in cores. I assume you wernt running prime on all cores so they should all be sitting close in temps. You may end up slightly hotter with the h100 but it should be quiet an very close to the noctura in temps with its louder fans.

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how are you doing this? are you using the sandpaper in your hand?


the best way IMO is to tape the sandpaper to a piece of perfect flat surface (something like glass)

add a drop of water/oil if you want and gently apply force evenly to the corners and to gently push it in small circles


plus for the finishing i had 1200grit to really get a good finish

if you cant find that high, try an auto store, they have them sometimes for metal finishing

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how are you doing this? are you using the sandpaper in your hand?


the best way IMO is to tape the sandpaper to a piece of perfect flat surface (something like glass)

add a drop of water/oil if you want and gently apply force evenly to the corners and to gently push it in small circles


plus for the finishing i had 1200grit to really get a good finish

if you cant find that high, try an auto store, they have them sometimes for metal finishing


Um nope, the pic shows sand paper taped down on glass...


I used 600 800 1000 1500 2000 grit..forward and back motions 30 times on each side x3..corners didnt flatten out even..if i take a razor to the top..no light or gaps in the middle other then the edges..

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