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yeah, i like travolta also but the name doesnt mean about it. and honestly i failed to watch that movie though i heard that it was a hit.

mind to hear a story how i got this name? :blush: hmmmm.... about five years ago im into fresh water fish keeping as a hobby and i have a 6 footer length(around 120++ gal) tank and a spoiled brat 3 year old arrowana housed in it. btw, i named my late pet as "FISH".. lol!

and that was my 'first time' to join a forum(fish keeping forums), thinking what to type for my name and bam! very spontaneous out of nowhere sword_fish came and i used it since for my numerous accounts with those different forum sites about cars, PC and everything ;)

can i associate it with my former fish hobby? i dont think so... and yeah, to go fishing is one of my frustrations, it's too expensive here to fish. did i get it there? nah.... maybe how it swiftly like a swordfish entered my mind how i get it, idk... :whistling:

but afaik, i love this name and it would be 'sword_fish' until the internet/forums exist. haha!


@ all


i was delighted to see how warm you welcomed me here, and now i know that its not a failure joining this club. :cheers:

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