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NZXT Sentry Mesh fan controller


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I just read the review and wanted to mention something I thought was a little off, no offense just an observation.


You said the controller can only run 5 fans but it can run 15, let me explain-


Watts = Amps x Volts


I'll use a fan as an example I have here, Scythe Ultra Kaze Model DFS123812H-3000 (120mmX38 3000rpm 161cfm~)


We know they run off of a 12v rail and this particular fan uses 0.60A so 12v x 0.60A= 7.2W of power per fan @ full power so 7.2W X 3=21.6w per channel on the safe side for argument sake, theoretically you could run 4 fans of this size per channel for a total of 28.8W per channel.


So on the safe side we can say 15 fans in total could be run or theoretically 20, obviously you would run them in series of groups and control different zones in your chassis.


At any rate the reason I wanted to start the thread is because I'm interested in this controller for my sons build, but wanted to know if there was any voltage leaking from any of the channels on the controller when in the off position.

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