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Is this normal?

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Built my first computer last night and have been messing around with various stability programs today to make sure everything is alright. One thing I'm noticing is that coretemp is reporting that core 2 is usually 5-10 degrees hotter than the rest. Is this normal?


After running Prime95 blend for a couple minutes, temperatures seem to top off at around 64, 70, 73, and 63 or so for cores 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively.


Low idol is reported as 20, 23, 30, and 17 degrees respectively.


Could I have installed the CPU heatsink incorrectly? Bad application of the thermal adhesive?


i7 2600k, CM Hyper 212+


Any help would be much appreciated.

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17 degrees idle temp? Unless your room is around 60 degrees I doubt it's reading accurately. Variation between cores usually isn't that high but I don't think you've got anything to worry about. Go by the highest temperature you see from any core as your benchmark.


I guess you could try re-applying thermal paste and your heatsink to ease your mind. It surely can't hurt anything. :cheers:

Edited by Waco

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17 degrees idle temp? Unless your room is around 60 degrees I doubt it's reading accurately. Variation between cores usually isn't that high but I don't think you've got anything to worry about. Go by the highest temperature you see from any core as your benchmark.


I guess you could try re-applying thermal paste and your heatsink to ease your mind. It surely can't hurt anything. :cheers:

:withstupid: Before the reapplying of the TIM, I'd make sure the Coretemp program is the newest version also.


BTW! Are you OC'd??

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