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Standard Clocking


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Being new and all... I was thinking to go stock initially without overclocking, so can I safely go without any processor specific cooling with the stock i5 2500k? I have a P67 Sabertooth Rev.3 with the pithy 50x10 TUFF board fan and the Silverstone FT02 stock case fans but aside from that, would I be safe? Yes, I really am new at this.



Edited by SaberOne

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You can go ahead and start overclocking it then. DONT use Sabertooths overclocking software its works great but from my personal experience it doesnt load up your overclocks correcty during start up. Its always better using the BIOs to overclock your CPU.


I recommend you take small steps in overclocking, dont jump to 4.2Ghz right away unless you wana blow up you CPU...

On top of that your using a stock cooler so I dont recommend pushing the cpu to far. Watch your temps!

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