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Possible Watercooling!

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Please disregard me.... I looked at the Freaking case wrong and thought it had a million 5 1/4 bays.


Ok, Now for what I have looked at it looks to me like the most productive and user friendly way to install the WC loop would be outside the case. You could install it on the Top but that tends to cause bleeding issues and make the loop more in the way of other components should you have to remove them. The way I would suggest would be to mount the radiator on the back two fans.


One of the most important things in a water cooling loop is the layout. Keep it simple. Keep it contained. Doing this contained in one area and not spread out will allow you to be able to maintain the computer more easily. This will keep frustration to a min and performance satisfaction to the max. One way to do that would be to use components that are a 2 in one or three in one apparatus. See below


Radiator selection: Based on what I said above using the drive series radiator will do wonders for the loop as far as ease of component access and it will build 3 parts into one. Rad/pump/res. This option will provide even better management of your loop and if you want you could even use a rad box to affix it to the back of the case and space it out. The only disadvantage you will run into is the pump on the radiator will not be as stout as the MCP655 but it will be a close competitor. And should do fine with any current market processor.


If you do decide to go with the MCP655 then I caution you to get the Modded pump so you can toss a 90' swivel on the top so you have more options on where you can put the pump and route its hoses. An example of this is a Sidewinder Lang DDC/MCP655. Or to extend on that and make the loop look better XSPC makes two pump/reservoir that houses the MCP655 internally. There is also an option for there to be a bay res but in this case I would not recommend that as you would loose almost all your 5 1/4 bays All those options are in here.


Using some of the parts I have posted along with a 90' connector or two you could make the loop look neat, clean, and easy to maintain. Easy to maintain is most important I must add. As i said earlier, It keeps the Frustration to a min when you need to service it. :D


Here is an example of what you want to acheive in building the loop. Contained to one area of the case and wicked easy to work on. I will admit some of the Wires and connectors are difficult to reach BUT in the same note I do not have to do anything except detach my waterblock from the chip and all components come out without interference. This is by far the best I have done and it was an Easy build. Good luck in your loop and post up a plan and let us take a look for you. :D Ill have more info for you as you ask questions.



pics.gif So please as soon as your done POST UP. :D

Edited by boinker
I goofed.

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Lol i dont have any parts yet so posting pics will be difficult hah. Im going to decide this week if im actually going to go through with this, and if i decide to go for it, ill be purchasing stuff this upcoming weekend.


Thanks for the suggestions boinker, yeah a case this big seems like it would have a hundred 5.25" bays but it only has 3 heh, 3x 120mm front fans FTW!


Ultimately if i have too, ill mount the radiator on the outside of my case on the back, it should fit well enough being that there is already 2x 120mm fans there. If i find out that i have no choice but to put it on the outside of my case, ill probably return the 120.2 rad and get a 120.3 rad, once im outside the restrictions of my case i dont see any reason not to use a larger rad at that point, since one day i plan on getting my GPU/s under water as well.


However my goal is to keep the entire loop inside my case. With the overall size of my case i believe this to be easy enough to accomplish, but seeing as how ive never done this before i dont really know what to expect in the end. Waco found me some 140mm-120mm mount adapters so i should be able to use to put a quality 120.2 rad in the top of my case. So im hoping that i can fit the pump in the bottom of my case near the PSU. The rad in the top along with the res being near the top as well, id like to attach it so that it can be seen from the side panel window and be located above the pump. It will mean the length of my loop with be quite extensive but that shouldnt be a problem right?

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The length of the loops limit will be dependent on the pumps head pressure. I belive 6 feet with low resistant waterblocks will be just fine and you could even stretch to eight without it becoming an issue.


I'd like to see you go through with it. Always use clamps to hold the tubing and if you have any specific questions please ask away. were dying to see another Water logger to join the club. And you know what they say. One you..... yeah Ill let you finish that. :P

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The length of the loops limit will be dependent on the pumps head pressure. I belive 6 feet with low resistant waterblocks will be just fine and you could even stretch to eight without it becoming an issue.

Loop length matters very little since it's a closed loop - the blocks make a MUCH larger difference. I tested with 20+ feet of hose any even with my pump on the lowest setting the flow was essentially the same as with a foot of hose. Both setups had both my blocks in them already.


That, and flow is usually overrated. Unless you're using an impingement-type block anything over a gallon a minute is essentially overkill. :P

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The length of the loops limit will be dependent on the pumps head pressure. I belive 6 feet with low resistant waterblocks will be just fine and you could even stretch to eight without it becoming an issue.


I'd like to see you go through with it. Always use clamps to hold the tubing and if you have any specific questions please ask away. were dying to see another Water logger to join the club. And you know what they say. One you..... yeah Ill let you finish that. :P



Loop length matters very little since it's a closed loop - the blocks make a MUCH larger difference. I tested with 20+ feet of hose any even with my pump on the lowest setting the flow was essentially the same as with a foot of hose. Both setups had both my blocks in them already.


That, and flow is usually overrated. Unless you're using an impingement-type block anything over a gallon a minute is essentially overkill. :P


Ok thanks again guys. Now im not worried about the loop being a couple feet long total, because it would only be maybe a foot and a half from the pump in the bottom of my case to the cpu block, then a short 6-8in to the rad, then another 6-8in to the res, then maybe 12 inches back down to the pump. This is being overly exaggerated with the lengths as well. I think it will be fine then, I guess it could make things alittle awkward though if i end up adding GPU blocks too...


Id end up going: down from the res to the pump, up from the pump to the cpu block, then down the gpu/s, then back up to the rad... would that whole mess still work??



All thats left to do is see if i get my raise tomorrow! Basically raise = WC, no raise = no WC :( However, if i get the raise im going to ask for(15k raise, because ive been working at the company for a year now and they still pay me like an intern which is BS, because im a full on Network Admin with all the responsibility and none of the pay) but if i get the raise i want, i may get the WC loop AAANNND another GTX570. :evilgrin:

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