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i7 950 ram controller


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ok kowon first thing to do if you didnt do it already is download core temp. once you start overclcocking you will want to watch you cpu temps.




with that covered a few things make sure you upgrade you cpu cooler before you start overclocking, and next not all cpus are created equal.


you can change your cpu setting to what wevsspot posted by changing your bclk but notice that your ram mhz will go up as you increase the blck. just follow the steps i posted before and reset your ram back down should be 1604mhz. once you set everything go into windows and load core temp.


if you want to make sure the overclock is stable download prime 95, this will stress all the cores at 100%. make sure you have core temp running while doing this, most guys will try and keep their max temps under 70 ill let mine go to the mid 80's before shutting prime down.


the max cpu core temp is 100*c from intel so stay in the 70-80*c range and you should be fine


just remember if you dont feel comfortable with the temps you can always back the overclock down and turn the voltage down to get the temps where you want them.


im not sure if your bios has it or not but with my bios it has an auto overclock i can chose form 3.36 or 3.71 and it will auto setup all the voltages for me



cpu voltage 1.217

cpu pll voltage 1.812

qpi/dram 1.363




cpu voltage 1.349

cpu pll voltage 1.812

qpi/dram 1.4375


you can use these as a starting off points and do some testing with them.

im running



cpu voltage 1.325

cpu pll voltage 1.894

qpi/dram 1.337


as you can see im running lower voltages then what the bios sets and am stable on prime

Edited by olokul

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