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Opinions welcome on watercooling setup!

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I would suggest the MCR-320QP from Swiftech for a cheap, low FPI, 2-pass rad. It won't be a crossflow like you wanted but they are dirt cheap and perform GREAT.


Thats a great rad for the price. You can also put them in a push/pull/staker config, bit thick.

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What kind of temps are you getting Wevs? There could be something else wrong with mine because my black ice gt stealth has never performed anywhere near as well as my MCR220.


idle per core


ambient air temp 23c


100 load per core w/o ht enabled



100 load per core w/ ht enabled



i7 950 at 4.0Ghz with 1.30 cpu voltage - no speed step, ce1, c-state etc.

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