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First OC build - First OC


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So this is my first high-end build, i normally work with a $600-800 budget. But this is the first computer i am building for myself in like 7-10 years. And i am getting back from a deployment, and this is a present to myself. So i figure go big or go home. Here are the pieces that i am working with. i am curious as to what you all think i can get on the theoretically high end and where i should be looking to go to for a stable level. i am very green when it comes to over clocking, so i don't even know where to set a goal... i am glad to hear that acpowell is having a lot more success with his build. with no further ado here is the list.



CASE NZXT Guardian 921



CPU AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition


SSD Crucial C300 128GB 2.5" SSD SATA3

COOL Corsair Hydro Series H70

GPU XFX HD-687A-ZDBC Radeon HD 6870 1GB 256-bit GDDR5


any advice, comments, and what not are welcome. thanks




**EDIT1 : i decided to number my edits because there will probably be a few of them. I was looking at the specs of my gear again, and i realize i made a terrible mistake. The GPU i got was an SLI and i have a crossfire board. and that was kinda the reason i got the 850hx because i wanted to later on down the road maybe get a second GPU to crossfire with... but i am dumb and wasnt paying attention i guess. so now i am going to get something else... just dont know what yet.


**EDIT2 : So i decided to with the XFX 6870 card that has the dual cooling fans on it. looks sexy!

Edited by Griever2003

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really i thought about doing a custom liquid job, but i was already over my budget. Another deciding factor from me on that was that if i was going to get a DIY kit, i would rather want to build it myself as well and liquid cool everything. I decided to go the cheaper (my wife still doesn't know how much i spent on this mother) and more simple route.

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