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Crosshair4 formula problems

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Hi all, i recently bought a Asus crosshair 4 formula and i think i might have a slight temp problem with the NB

it's like holding hotter than the CPU itself IDLE i mean i dont think this is normal :nono:

Ive read that some peoples took off the heat sinks all together and replaced the paste somehow i dont think that would do it's like the heat sink isn't even touching the chip with those temps

Any suggestions? :-/


EDIT: oops temps would be good right about now lol sorry


NB :49C

SB :41C

CPU :45C


and this is standard settings i havent OC'd anything yet

Edited by kobalt

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What kind of cooling setups do you have e.g exhaust fans, intake fans etc. Sometimes a large cpu cooler hanging over the chipset heatsinks can effect the temps too. If possible try uploading a pic.

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What kind of cooling setups do you have e.g exhaust fans, intake fans etc. Sometimes a large cpu cooler hanging over the chipset heatsinks can effect the temps too. If possible try uploading a pic.


Nothing excessive, i have the AMD cooler that came with the 965 chip (small heat pipe) a 140mm fan overhead that blows in and had a 120 behind that was an exaust but i've turned it inward since i've noticed that temp my video card does not get too hot even playing there's 2 holes in front of the case for 120's but they're empty so no pressure positive or negative. I've read a few comments on other sites about that board and it seems the first models of that motherboard had poor connettion to the NB/SB chips and crappy paste i'm really thinking about checking that out. Seems funny that the CPU holds a normal temp and the NB goes wild specially with heat sink like the ones on that board (heat piped)


link to a inside pic http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2103592/case%20pic.JPG

Edited by kobalt

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There will actually be quite a big heat build up within your case, especially if you have the side panel on. The thing is is that exhaust fans if anything are more important than intake fans. If you have too many intake fans and too little exhaust fans then the heat isnt being able to escape and all you are left with is cool air being warmed which is then just hanging around in your rig thus heating everything, yes everything up. If you have too many exhaust fans then...you are fine. When air is exhausted out of the case then the air is just going to get replaced by all of the holes within the case which means that even if you dont have intake fans, the air is still going to get replaced by COOL air which is what you want. The setups you should use is:




Top-Exhaust (the absolutely most important, remember, heat rises)

I have seen too many rigs that have too many intake and too little exhaust and all of the time those are the ones that are too hot, and when the are is not being removed it just gets warmer and warmer.

When you say the cpu temp is normal could you tell be if 45C is idle or load because for idle that is certainly too high again showing that it may not be a mobo problem and it is just insufficient case cooling.

Finally, feel free to take off the heatsinks and put better heat paste on it would be interesting to see what temp differences you get.

Hope this helps.

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Makes a lot of sense... usually if i had NB heat problems i would slap on a fan but those are funny shaped lol


i'll try reversing the fans see what that does :)

I did remove the side pannel once when i heard the fan noise getting higher and it went down

but i'm still going to get some thermal stuff tomorrow and remove those heat sinks just to satisfy my curiosity :P


thanks for the help :wave:

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