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965BE past 4.1..... possible?

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ur voltage drops as u put load on it??? either it has a . mobo power reg.. or ur psu sucks .. mine doesnt drop at all.. regardless of load..


and if u feel like being cheap.. get a hiper 212+.. that cooler gets more praise for its price vs performance than any other cooler ive seen


Yup, the voltage drops on load.... it takes a few secs, but then it goes down between 0.04 and 0.06.... it does not shoot up again or wobble, until it's idle again...weird....

The Mobo has a 8+2 'high end voltage regulator' with a heatsink and the reviews seem to be very good, that's why i purchased it. It even has a uvp/ovp, if i am correct.


The 750W PSU should deliver sufficient and stable power, although i have not found any reviews about it. It claims to deliver 85% efficiency... paid 175 $ for that thing....so it better be good ;)




I am wondering if the RAM could be the weak link.... Because that's the only thing left in the case that was real cheap.... but then again...underclocking it would make no difference in stability |(even less stable as far as i could tell)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok.... for an update...


I blew up the 'mid-range' Asus mainboard, probably by resetting cmos while there was still power on the mainboard. I had turned off te PSU, but did not wait for a few secs.....


As I had already burned a MOBO and a PSU, and had invested in this 'mid-range' mobo, a H50 and a NZXT Zero Case, my budget was running low.

So I went and bought one of the cheapest MSI mobo's, the 760GM-E51, and some Kingston RAM.... and behold!

The system is running stable now (20 runs of IBT an an hour of OCCT Linpack) at 4.0 Ghz, at only 1.38v, and the temps are artic ;) Maybe due to te Artic Ceramic paste i applied....


357x11..... with Ram from 667 to 714 not bad for a cheap mobo and ram I think!


Also. the voltages are stable as can be...on the Asus mobo they varied a lot, as i said.....on this mobo, biggest difference i have seen is 0.01


Think i will settle for this result....... :)

Edited by sweetcobra

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IV been playing around with mine.


The highest stable l can get is 3.920 at 1.55v. Temp is 34c under full load but im water cooled. My volts drop to 1.51 to 1.52 under load. i could get it to boot at 4.1 but as soon as l run prime95. BSOD. I have an psu that l have had for 7 years now (Wow just did thought of went l bought it)


Now l have played around with the mulit and fsb with many different tweeks. But when the cpu comes near the 4.0 range it becomes unstable, workable but unstable. 4.1 BSOD after 2 mins if im lucky.


So l dont know if every board can go above 4.0.

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I blew up the 'mid-range' Asus mainboard, probably by resetting cmos while there was still power on the mainboard. I had turned off te PSU, but did not wait for a few secs.....

Yup, that would do it lol. I was resetting CMOS at my old job, and some guy no one liked (because he was stupid and didn't pay attention) plugged the power cord back in as I was pressing the power button to get power out of the system...the arc shot from the battery connection for the cmos battery to the northbridge cooler (they were somewhat close) and the board never worked again lol

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