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E8400 OC... again


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So, I've been running my E8400 at 4GHz for about 2 weeks. It's prime95 24hours stable, and I haven't had any issues with it thus far.


Voltages are almost all stock, except the VCore which is 1.29v.


I have it running 24/7 at this frequency (temps are nice and cool- 30C idle, 44C load), but I wanted to bump it and see what I could get it to do. Unfortunately, I noticed immediately that even as high as 1.35v, I can't get anything past 4.05GHz stable. At 1.35v I get an almost immediate fail of prime95. 1.32 I get a BSOD during boot. 1.30 doesn't even post.


Doing this on a 680i SLI board.


Any suggestions?

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So, I've been running my E8400 at 4GHz for about 2 weeks. It's prime95 24hours stable, and I haven't had any issues with it thus far.


Voltages are almost all stock, except the VCore which is 1.29v.


I have it running 24/7 at this frequency (temps are nice and cool- 30C idle, 44C load), but I wanted to bump it and see what I could get it to do. Unfortunately, I noticed immediately that even as high as 1.35v, I can't get anything past 4.05GHz stable. At 1.35v I get an almost immediate fail of prime95. 1.32 I get a BSOD during boot. 1.30 doesn't even post.


Doing this on a 680i SLI board.


Any suggestions?

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Firstly, I don't have any experience with your chipset. You could try raising the NB voltage a bit. Don't ask me how much, I have no idea, just don't go crazy :P


If that doesn't help it may just need more vcore. I probably wouldn't go past 1.4v for 24/7 personally. How much you try is upto you.


Sidenote: Have you checked your RAM is running at a reasonable speed? ie. it's still at stock or below (unless you know what clocks it will do and you are within it's limit).

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Firstly, I don't have any experience with your chipset. You could try raising the NB voltage a bit. Don't ask me how much, I have no idea, just don't go crazy :P


If that doesn't help it may just need more vcore. I probably wouldn't go past 1.4v for 24/7 personally. How much you try is upto you.


Sidenote: Have you checked your RAM is running at a reasonable speed? ie. it's still at stock or below (unless you know what clocks it will do and you are within it's limit).

I'm still within spec for my RAM (Or close enough, anyway... 801MHz ;) )


I might try bumping my VCore to 1.4v, but if that makes it stable I'm not going to leave it there. I'm iffy about putting my CPU past 1.35 for 24/7, since when I upgrade to SB, this will be going into my mother's computer.

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Good point. Isn't the E8400 on a 9x multi? That means your FSB must be around 445MHz. I know on Intel chipsets, the lowest FSB:RAM ratio is 1:1 (again, don't know about the OP's chipset), meaning the RAM must be running at almost 900MHz.

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Good point. Isn't the E8400 on a 9x multi? That means your FSB must be around 445MHz. I know on Intel chipsets, the lowest FSB:RAM ratio is 1:1 (again, don't know about the OP's chipset), meaning the RAM must be running at almost 900MHz.



I'm fairly certain the E8400's Multi is unlocked, though I'm not 100%.


EDIT: Although, with my 750i board I was running my E8400 on it was picky about FSB:RAM Ratio which kinda decided what mutliplier I was using.

Edited by nitem4re

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