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First Time OVerclocking the CPU

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Hi everyone,


I am looking at over clocking my cpu for the first time. I looked around at some info online, but it is confusing me :)


I have:

Asus P5K-V Motherboard

Intel Q6700 G0

Arctic Cooling Freezer 7

OCZ Ram DDR2 -800 5-5-5-12


I took a few picture of my bios options. If you would please point me in the right direction in terms of which settings to change. Thanks.





Edited by perfectgravity

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I dont know much about your processor but your FSB is at 266

did you do that, or did it come like that automatically?

anyway, raise the number a little bit at a time

after that u can raise the CPU voltage a notch then go back and see if you can raise the FSB again a little

I recommend you do more reading, do a search on your specific processor for overclocking on google

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I tried out a few different combinations and I can get it to go stable at


Multiplier: 10

FSB: 320


Which gives me 3.2 GHz


This runs stable on Prime95. One thing I noticed is that when prime95 is running it will start off using 100% load all the way up until it hits 65C and then the multiplier will drop down to 6 which will lower the temp back to 60C and then it will run back at 10 multiplier again until it hits 65C.

I tried lowering the FSB to 310 and the same thing happens, only this time the multiplier shifts down at 63C. Is this normal?


Also is it better to have 10X320 or something like 8X400?

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I tried out a few different combinations and I can get it to go stable at


Multiplier: 10

FSB: 320


Which gives me 3.2 GHz


This runs stable on Prime95. One thing I noticed is that when prime95 is running it will start off using 100% load all the way up until it hits 65C and then the multiplier will drop down to 6 which will lower the temp back to 60C and then it will run back at 10 multiplier again until it hits 65C.

I tried lowering the FSB to 310 and the same thing happens, only this time the multiplier shifts down at 63C. Is this normal?


Also is it better to have 10X320 or something like 8X400?

65C is pretty hot for your processor. Try dropping it down to 10x300 for 3.0 GHz.


Also, make sure to adjust your FSB:RAM ratio accordingly to keep your RAM at rated spec, unless you want to OC that as well.

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That's 65C max under load. Is that still too hot?

I'd try to keep it out of the 60C's for your chip. Not sure if I'm correct, but I seem to remember the max temp for your chip to be like 62C or 65C

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65c will not do any long term damage. If it only hits that through prime, it will probably not get near that during daily usage.


Disabling "TM Function" in your bios should stop the throttling. If you do disable it, beware the CPU will never throttle even if the CPU hits 100c + or something crazy :thumbsup:


Edit: 62.2°C is the correct Tcase on the Q6700. Or when it will start to throttle.

Edited by ARandomOWl

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65c will not do any long term damage. If it only hits that through prime, it will probably not get near that during daily usage.


Disabling "TM Function" in your bios should stop the throttling. If you do disable it, beware the CPU will never throttle even if the CPU hits 100c + or something crazy :thumbsup:


Edit: 62.2°C is the correct Tcase on the Q6700. Or when it will start to throttle.


Okay so once I took off the Throttle and the temps with prime 95 started climbing fast. Got to about 70 before I stopped it, it would have gone higher.


I then went and bought some arctic silver 5 and cleaned off the thermal paste I had from before (Arctic cooling MX-1) and applied the new paste.


It now maxes at 64C, 39C idle


Thanks everyone

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